What is the matriculation ?

What are the matriculation and the registration at UNIL ?

Pursuant to the law on the University of Lausanne and its implementing regulations, the Rectorate adopts the directive regarding the registration conditions. It is valid for the current year only and is subject to change at any time.

It concerns essentially the admission to the 1st and 2nd cycles (Bachelor, Master, preparatory year and diploma at the School of French as a Foreign Language) and doctorates.

The matriculation is the authorisation given by the University of Lausanne to students to register in a Faculty, subect to meeting the conditions. The registration gives students access to lectures, seminars and practical and lab work, required for a university degree.

Registration for a semester is subject to payment of the tuition fees. The invoice for these fees is available on the IT portal MyUnil. Fees must be paid by the deadline indicated on the invoice.

In addition, the conditions of registration for the exams specified in the regulations of the faculties and schools have to be met.


The Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL offers different MAS programmes, often in collaboration with other institutions of higher education and in numerous fields in all the faculties.

The University of Lausanne also offers further possibilities of studying:
- as an “auditeur”: this is a special status, which you have to register for at the Admissions Service
- as a mobility student (Erasmus, exchanges, etc.): these exchange programmes are run by the Office for Social Affairs and Student Mobility.

UNIL also offers intensive French courses enabling you to improve your language skills during the University holidays.


the French version of the registration conditions prevails