Tuition and semester fees

- Bachelor, Master, preparatory year and Diploma of French as a Foreign Language

Tuition fees (exams included) and semester fees: CHF 580.- (per semester)

Student on a restricted semester leave : CHF 210.-
Student on a complete semester leave : CHF 130.-

A student who is on a semester leave remains registered at UNIL.

Family reduction for students whose parents live in the Canton de Vaud

Request for an exemption of the tuition fees (Social Affairs and Student Mobility)
After having examined the student’s financial situation, the Office for Social Affairs and Student Mobility can grant a partial reduction of the tuition fees. An amount of CHF 180.- remains payable by the student. Please contact the Office for Social Affairs and Student Mobility for information about conditions and deadlines.

- Doctorate / PhD
Candidates to doctoral studies pay semester fees of CHF 80.-. For their first semester they also have to pay a single additional admission fee of CHF 200.-.

Doctoral students have to be registered at UNIL from the beginning until the end of their doctoral studies, meaning until the registration of their thesis at the Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire.

- Availability of invoices on MyUnil for students already registered at UNIL :
Autumn semester : July
Spring semester : December

How to download your invoices for the tuition fees

New students refer to registration procedure

- Late registration

Late applications and registrations will be charged an extra fee of CHF 200.– if accepted by the Admissions Service.

Note that late applications are not automatically accepted.

Note : The fees must be paid within the deadline mentioned on the invoice. Failing to do so, you will receive a reminder at your UNIL e-mail address with copy in MyUnil; you will be given a final time limit to pay (5 days).

If the fees are not entirely payed within the deadlines, the student is automatically exmatriculated.

An exmatriculation can only be cancelled if :
- the fees are payed immediately after the exmatriculation
- the faculty agrees to the registration of the student
- the student pays the extra fee for late registration (CHF 200.-) immediately

The invoice available on the portal MyUnil contains all the information needed to pay the fees in Switzerland or from abroad.

Directive de la Direction en matière de taxes et délais



the French version of the registration conditions prevails
Unicentre  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 21 00