Micropalaeontology and ocean evolution

The breakup of Pangea gave birth to new oceans. We trace their history by analysing the sediments composed of planktonic micro-organisms. We build biochronological time scales based on the appearance and extinction of radiolarian and foraminifer species. These time scales allow us to date the opening and closing of ancient oceans and the formation of mountain ranges.

Mesozoic oceans and active margins in Eastern Greece. Tectonostratigraphy of Eastern Greece, Argolis Peninsula, origin and emplacement of Mesozoic oceanic units ...

Evolution of a Ladinian intraplatform basin. The Monte San Giorgio (Switzerland) is a rich archive for the depositional environment of an important thanatocoenosis ...

Oceanic current systems. This project is about the Quaternary and Recent Radiolaria from the East- Equatorial Pacific. The samples were collected during the first ...

Mesozoic radiolaria database (Interrad). Radiolaria, marine zooplankton, have lived in the Earth's oceans for more than 500 my and have substantially determined ...


Prof. Peter Baumgartner


Position(s): Professeur honoraire

Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Géopolis building
Office : 3436
CH-1015 Lausanne
Téléphone : 021 692 43 44

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