

Digital microscopy: The digital microscopy lab contains three polarizing microscopes, all equipped with motorized stages, a binocular and a MicroDrill station. Each

Cathodoluminescence microscopy: Cathodoluminescence microscopy is used to highlight features that cannot be observed using standard transmitted or reflected 

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM): Three scanning electron microscopes are currently available at ISTE: a Zeiss Gemini 500, a Tescan Mira II LMU, and 

Electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA): The JEOL JXA-8530F HyperProbe EPMA is equipped with 5 WDS spectrometers with LIF, PET, TAP, LDE1 and LDE2 crystals ...

X-ray micro-computed tomography: X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a rapidly evolving technique originally developed in medicine for visualization of soft-tissues

X-ray diffraction: The X-ray diffraction lab is equipped with an ARL Thermo X'tra powder diffractometer. The instrument enables the characterization of materials

X-ray fluorescence icon.jpgX-ray fluorescence: X-ray florescence spectrometry is used to identify and quantify the chemical elements present in solid, powdered and liquid samples. XRF is capable of

raman laser-resize61x40.jpgRaman spectroscopy: The inVia Qontor (Renishaw) is a confocal high-resolution Raman spectrometer. The microscope (Leica) is coupled confocally to a spectrograph...

Laser ablation-ICP-MS: Mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma ion source is widely applied for the determination of elemental composition and isotope ratios ...

SwissSIMS ion probe: The Cameca IMS 1280-HR is a large radius secondary ion microprobe. Isotopes of a wide range of elements (from H to U) can be measured

NanoSIMS ion probe: The Cameca NanoSIMS N50L is a ion microprobe optimized to produce images of large chemical or isotopic variations in solid samples in which

Sediment geochemistry: Lab devoted to the chemical analysis of sediments and soils, with in particular the measurement of  their C, H, N, S and P contents 

Hydrothermal lab: The hydrothermal equipment consists of 10 vertical cold-seal pressure vessels (bombs) with split tube furnaces. The bomb consists of a cooled

Clean lab: Preparation room with a controlled level of particle contamination meeting the standard ISO 6 (class 1000). The lab is equipped with two extraction hoods

Sedimentary lab: The sedimentary lab is dedicated to the separation and the preparation of microfossils from sedimentary rock samples. This step is necessary 

HF lab: Because of its ability to dissolve oxides, hydrofluoric acid (HF) is commonly used for separating microfossils from hand specimens. The use of this very corrosive

Thin section lab: The thin section lab is aimed at preparing thin sections of rocks and minerals. The hand specimens are first sawed and grinded. Successive steps of

aquarium research laboratory Universite de Lausanne-01.jpg (Imprimir)

Aquarium research lab: This purpose-built lab houses marine and freshwater aquaria for keeping and growing live invertebrate animals. We currently have one large ...

compute swiss.pngScientific Computing Unit at UNIL: Scientific Computing and Research Support Unit provides computation and storage resources to the UNIL community...

Associated research center

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Center for Advanced Surface Analysis

The Centre d'analyse de surface avancée (CASA) is a common UNIL/EPFL platform hosted in the Geopolis building of University of Lausanne. This Swiss research center offers to a broad range of scientists the state-of-the-art micro-analytical Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometric (SIMS) instruments for chemical and isotopic characterization of solid matter.