Room: 1113
Lab phone : +41 21 692 43 51
Contact persons: Dr. Olivier Reubi (+41 21 692 43 22), Dr. Alexey Ulianov (+41 21 692 44 39)
Head: Prof. Othmar Müntener
Renishaw inVia Qontor
High spectral resolution Raman spectrometer coupled to a Leica confocal microscope. The equipment, which includes four interchangeable diffraction gratings (1200 to 3000 l/mm), two lasers (Nd:YAG 532 nm and 785 nm lasers) and a CCD detector (1024 x 256 pixels), allows for point analyses or 2D and 3D maps of micro- and macrosamples.
Schedule:. Bookings: Olivier Reubi (+41 21 692 43 22)