Research poles

Our research is oriented in answering fundamental questions regarding the history and structure of our planet. Our research projects are centered on five main research poles that cover from the interior of the Earth and the continents, oceans and biospheres to the atmosphere. Our high-quality infrastructure allows us to make important contributions in all fields of geosciences, from the more fundamental to the more applied such as the interaction of human activities with geological processes and resources.

Geochemistry and Petrology of Earth Systems

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Main research topics

  • Igneous petrology
  • Metamorphic petrology
  • Geochemistry


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Structural Geology and Geodynamics of Mountain Belts


Main research topics

  • Tectonics and geodynamics
  • Field and structural geology
  • Computational geodynamics


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Applied and Environmental Geophysics

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Main research topics

  • Aquifer characterisation and monitoring
  • Mountain building and seismics
  • Fluid mechanics and rock physics
  • Glacier geophysics


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Paleoenvironment, Evolution of Life and Ocean Dynamics

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Main research topics

  • Climate and environmental change
  • Paleontology and evolution
  • Sedimentology and sedimentary geochemistry
  • Ocean dynamics


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Geohazards and Risks in Mountainous Areas

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Main research topics

  • Hazard and risk assessments
  • Degradation, alteration and dismantling phenomena
  • Slope mass movement processes and sediment transfers


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