Micah M. Murray, Ph.D.
Radiology Department, CHUV-UNIL
Scientific and Academic Director
The Sense Innovation and Research Center micah.murray@chuv.ch
Research Scientists
Chrysa Retsa, Ph.D. Research Staff Scientist
Ulrike Toepel, Ph.D. Research Collaborator
Eduardo Villar Ortega, Ph.D.
Immersive Environment Platform Manager
Marion Décaillet
(co-direction with Dr. Juliane Schneider, CHUV)
Gianluca Giacchi
UNIL, LNDS and University of Bologna
(co-direction with Prof. Franceschiello, HES-SO Valais)
(co-tutelle with Prof. Nicola Arcozzi, UNIBO)
Nastia Junod
UNIL, Life Sciences
(co-directin with Prof. Kerstin von Plessen, CHUV)
Jennifer Eisler
UNIL, Life Sciences MD-PhD
(co-direction with Pr. Jardena Puder)