Grace Kurian

Kurian2.jpegMD student, UNIGE
Working on her MSc thesis
Radiology Department, CHUV
Rue Centrale 07/04/001

grace.s.kurian @


  1. Gilad-Gutnick S, Kurian GS, Gupta P, Shah P, Tiwari K, Ralekar C, Gandhi T, Ganesh S, Mathur U, Sinha P (2024) Motion's privilege in recognizing facial expressions following treatment for blindness. Current BIology [DOI]
  2. Kurian GS, Lunghi I, Nguyen Tang GCT, Roth CL, Rutz FM, Schweblin C, Leiba J, Soulie P (2018) Le sixième sens clinique. Revue Medicale Suisse 14: 712-713.

Research Interests

My research focuses on visual processing in low-vision and sight-restored individuals. Such individuals often have difficulty in processing moving stimuli as well as in peceptually completing fragmented or incomplete visual information. In the laboratory, we are studying brain mechanisms of visual motion and perceptual completion processes and how these may be facilitated by adding acoustic signals. If effective, this cross-modal approach would be a cost-effective and accesible vision rehabilitation tool.

CHUV - PE82.01.113 - rue du Bugnon 46 - CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 314 15 47
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)Université de LausanneThe SenseHES-SO Valais