Monday, May 21st, 2007, 17h30, University of Lausanne, Anthropos Café,
Amphipôle building, Metro M1, UNIL-Sorge stop
All over Europe, citizens are more and more invited to participate in the definition of important scientific and technological issues. Participatory processes such as citizen conferences or citizen jurys have been developed on purpose. The University of Lausanne and TA-SWISS (the Swiss Centre for technology assessment) invite you to discover those methods and their contributions in the field of nanotechnology. The Swiss and French citizens' concerns and recomendations will be exposed during this event where a large amount of time will be devoted to discussion.
Welcome address, 17h30
Jacques LANARES, Vice-rector of the Université of Lausanne
Alain KAUFMANN, head of Nanopublic, director, Science-Society Interface, University of Lausanne
What is nanotechnology ?
Film show introduced by Prof. Philippe RENAUD, director, Center for MicroNano Technology, EPFL
How to make citizens participate in scientific and technological choices ?
User's guide to participatory methods
Citizen panel recommandations of the French citizen conference on nanotechnology
Prof. Daniel BOY, Sciences-Po Paris; Dominique DONNET-KAMEL, research engineer, National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Paris; a citizen member of the panel
Citizens' point of views who have participated to the Publifocus organised by TA-SWISS on nanotechnology
Ane BOESCH, scientific collaborator, TA-SWISS; Simone EBBING, member of the citizens panel
Round-table and debate with the public - Which role for citizens in scientific and technological choices ?
Wih the participation of : Géraldine SAVARY, member of the Swiss Parliament; a citizen from each panel; Prof. Heinrich HOFFMAN, director, Powder Technology Laboratory, EPFL; Dr. Sergio BELLUCCI, director, TA-SWIS; Daniel BOY; Dominique DONNET-KAMEL
Aperitif-buffet, 20h30
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