SNF Sinergia Project (2019-2024)
Local power structures and transnational connections (1890-2020)
André Mach (UniL), Stéphanie Ginalski (UniL), Eric Davoine (UniFr) and Matthieu Leimgruber (UniZh)
SNF Project (2023-2027)
Transformation of Swiss Finance
Felix Bühlmann, Lena Ajdacic, Johanna Behr and Amal Tawfik (UniL)
Rifkin Hill and Sozialarchiv Project (2022-2025)
The making of political careers of union officials in Switzerland
Adrian Zimmermann, Line Rennwald and André Mach (UniL)
Project Open Elite Data (2023-2024)
Felix Bühlmann, Anne-Sophie Delval, Steven Piguet and Glen Lomax (UniL)