- Reviews in Quantitative Biology (mandatory, organized by Sven Bergmann and Natasha Glover)
- Reasoning and Logic in Experimental and Computational Biology (recommended, organized by P. Franken)
See also: registration to tutorials
(You have to be registered as PhD student at the UNIL to be able to register to these courses)
The following courses are vetted by the programme and count toward the 5 specialised ECTS. Other courses might also be eligible—in case of doubt, check a course with the QB administrator.
- Advanced Skills in Scientific Communication: Writing, Publishing, and getting Grant Funding - 1,5 ECTS
- Bioinformatic algorithms (Spring session) (C. Dessimoz) - 3 ECTS
- Hands on introduction to machine learning for biomedical data (J. Richiardi) - 1.5 ECTS
- Introduction to Matlab programming (Autumn session) (S. Pelet) - 1.5 ECTS
- Scientific writing and publishing - 1.5 ECTS (not available anymore)
- Statistics - Module 1: Introduction to the R software (V. Rousson) - 1 ECTS
- Statistics - Module 2: Multiple linear regression (V. Rousson) - 1 ECTS
- Statistics - Module 3: Logistic regression (V. Rousson) - 1 ECTS
- Statistics - Module 4: Survival analysis (V. Rousson) - 1 ECTS
- Statistics - Module 5: Genomics data analysis (V. Rousson) - 1 ECTS
See registration: https://www.unil.ch/ecoledoctoralefbm/courses
- *Advanced Population Genetics (Spring session) (A. S. Malaspinas) - 3 ECTS (suspended in 2022, back in 2023)
- *Advanced Python programming (previously named "Programming for Bioinformatics") (Autumn session) (N. Salamin) - 1.5 ECTS
- *Advanced Quantitative Genetics (M. Robinson) - 1.5 ECTS - This course doesn't exist anymore
- *Computational Thinking in BioMedicine (G. Ciriello) - 1.5 ECTS - This course doesn't exist anymore
- *Industrial Bioinformatics (I. Xenarios) - 1.5 ECTS
- *Phylogeny and Comparative Methods (N. Salamin) - 1.5 ECTS
- Basic Biology for Non-Biologists (recommended, organized by S. Bergmann) - 0 ECTS (not available until further notice)
- *Introduction to Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology (S. Mitri) - 0 ECTS
- Computational biology driving experimental design (M. Robinson-Rechavi & R. Arguello) - 1.5 ECTS
- Designing research projects integrating computational and experimental biology (M. Robinson-Rechavi, R. Arguello & S. Mitri) - 1.5 ECTS
*deadline for registration: 5 September for Fall semester, 5 February for Spring semester by sending a mail
(Please note that if you have already attended the course while doing your MSc in Lausanne, it cannot count a second time).
Other courses
- Advanced C++ for HPC workshop (ETHZ) - 0.75 ECTS
- Advanced R (CUSO) - 1 ECTS (if 4 days) - 0.5 (if 2 days)
- Advanced Statistics: Statistical Modeling (SIB) - 1 ECTS
- Ancient DNA: A time-machine to study evolution (CUSO) - 1 ECTS
- Applied Biostatistics I (UNIBE) - 2 to 4 ECTS
- Best practices in programming (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Better coding practices (SIB) - 0.25 ECTS
- Bioinformatic Analysis of RNA-sequencing (BICC) - 3 ECTS
- Data Visualization with R (CUSO) / (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Docker for reproducible computational research (SIB) - 0.25 ECTS
- Enrichment analysis (SIB) - 0.25 ECTS
- First Steps in Parallelization with OpenMP (SIB) -
- First Steps with Python in Life Sciences (SIB) - 0.75 ECTS
- First Steps with UNIX for Life Scientists (SIB) - 0.25 ECTS
- GWAS and Beyond (CUSO StarOmics) - 0.5 ECTS
- High Performance Computing for genomic applications (SIB) - 0.25 ECTS
- Integrative analysis of multi-omics data (EMBO Practical Course) - 1 ECTS
- Introduction to Containers and Snakemake for Reproducible Research (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Introduction to Network Analysis - 0.75 ECTS (CUSO StarOmics & SIB)
- Introduction to RNA-Seq: From quality control to pathway analysis (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Introduction to R Shiny (SIB) - 0.25 ECTS
- Introduction to statistics with Python (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Ligand-protein docking, and computer-aided drug design (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Machine Learning (EPFL) - 3ECTS
- Machine Learning applied to Systems Biology (SIB) - 2 ECTS
- Machine Learning Day (UNIL)
- Mixed Models in Quantitative Genetics (CUSO Ecology & Evolution + Doctoral program in Organismal biology) - 1.5 ECTS
- Multivariate Analysis for -Omics Data Integration: Principles and Applications (SIB & CUSO StarOmics) - 1.5 ECTS (to be confirmed)
- NGS - Genome variant analysis (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- NGS - Quality control, Alignment, Visualisation (SIB) - 0.75 ECTS
- Population Genetic Data Analysis (CUSO Ecology & Evolution + Doctoral program in Organismal biology) - 1.5 ECTS
- Quantitative Genetics (CUSO Ecology & Evolution + Doctoral program in Organismal biology) - 1.5 ECTS
- Single Cell Transcriptomics (SIB) - 0.75 ECTS
- Statistical methods for big data in life sciences and health (SIB) - 1 ECTS
- Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Summer course in analysing of high throughput data for pupulation genetics (Uni Copenhagen) - 1 ECTS
- Summer course in Cancer (PhD Programme in Cancer and Immunology) - 2,5 ECTS
- Summer course in Immunology (PhD Programme in Cancer and Immunology) - 2,5 ECTS
- Summer school on Microbial community modelling (KU Leuven) - 0.75 ECTS
- SymbNET: From Metagenomics to Metabolic Interactions (EMBL-EBI) - 1 ECTS
- UNIX scripting for Life Scientists (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- Version Control with Git (SIB) - 0.5 ECTS
- 23rd Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics (SISG) -
- Coursera Courses
https://www.sib.swiss/training/upcoming-training-courses - Subscribe to the quarterly newsletter "Swiss Bioinformatics" by putting your email in the Stay tuned box from the website's footer and you will be automatically registered to the mailing-list
The policy regarding online courses and a list of vetted ones is available here.
To inquire about the validation within this 5 ECTS credits list for
- a course you want to take but which is not listed here
please send a program, weblink or similar to the coordinator BEFORE the event, and a certificate of attendance for final credit validation.
Please note that you can also participate to EPFL courses (but they do not count toward the 5 specialised ECTS):
To validate all the courses/workshops/presentations/conferences to which you took part, please consult the procedure here.