Tutorials and courses


See also: registration to tutorials


(You have to be registered as PhD student at the UNIL to be able to register to these courses)


The following courses are vetted by the programme and count toward the 5 specialised ECTS. Other courses might also be eligible—in case of doubt, check a course with the QB administrator.


Ecole doctorale courses

See registration: https://www.unil.ch/ecoledoctoralefbm/courses


FBM courses


*deadline for registration: 5 September for Fall semester, 5 February for Spring semester by sending a mail
(Please note that if you have already attended the course while doing your MSc in Lausanne, it cannot count a second time).


Other courses

https://www.sib.swiss/training/upcoming-training-courses - Subscribe to the quarterly newsletter "Swiss Bioinformatics" by putting your email in the Stay tuned box from the website's footer and you will be automatically registered to the mailing-list






The policy regarding online courses and a list of vetted ones is available here.


To inquire about the validation within this 5 ECTS credits list for

  • a course you want to take but which is not listed here

please send a program, weblink or similar to the coordinator BEFORE the event, and a certificate of attendance for final credit validation.


Please note that you can also participate to EPFL courses (but they do not count toward the 5 specialised ECTS):


To validate all the courses/workshops/presentations/conferences to which you took part, please consult the procedure here.

Rules and Forms

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