Processus de « re-socialisation » d’infirmières diplômées à l’étranger et dynamiques identitaires en jeu dans le cadre d’un dispositif de formation en Suisse alémanique
Sous la direction de F. Panese, Université de Lausanne et co-supervision avec N. Muller-Mirza, Université de Genève
My thesis is part of an SNSF-funded project under the direction of J.-L. Alber, N. Muller Mirza and M. Grossen (2016). The aim is to describe and understand the psychosocial processes and identity dynamics at work among nurses with a diploma from a non-EU/EFTA country during a transition period represented by the compensation measures (CM) that the nurses follow in order to obtain recognition of their qualifications in Switzerland. We study the role that these CMs play in the professional socialization or "re-socialization" of foreign nurses in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. We will take a psychosocial and socio-cultural approach to this process and use comprehensive methods to capture the psychosocial and identity processes related to this transition. To gain a better understanding of these processes, we also capture the views of other actors implicated in the design and implementation of the CMs. In order to follow this transition, three interdependent phases, which are in fact part of the re-socialization process, are studied: 1) the biographical and professional trajectory of foreign nurses prior to their enrolment in MCs; 2) the meaning given to the MC system, and the analysis of official documents; 3) the entry into the concrete activity of the placement.