Department of Plant Molecular Biology

Welcome to the Department of Plant Molecular Biology (DBMV) of the University of Lausanne.

Virtually all life on earth depends on photosynthetic organisms as the suppliers of carbon to all levels of the biosphere. Plants provide, directly or indirectly, all of our food and thus fulfil our most basic needs. In addition, plants in the world's forest and oceans help equilibrate our atmosphere and climate. Historically, the study of plants underlies two of the great pillars of modern biology, namely genetics (Mendel, McClintock and the recent discovery of siRNAS) and cell biology (Hooke).

The DBMV regroups 9 laboratories dedicated to the study of plants from a cellular and molecular perspective. With a total of more than 75 collaborators, our department represents one of the largest group of scientists in plant molecular biology in Switzerland. In addition to providing high quality teaching and cutting edge research, the department is the coordinator for Western Switzerland at the European Plant Science Organization (EPSO).

On this site, you will find information of the research activities of the DBMV, as well as on each laboratory.
