- Klabbers, Jan, International Law (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 3rd edn. 2021).
- Focarelli, Carlo, International Law, EE, 2019. (800 ages)
- Higgins, Rosalyn et al., Oppenheim's International Law - United Nations (OUP, 2017).
- Patricia Egli, Introduction to Public International Law, Dike Verlag,1st edn., Zürich/St.Gallen 2016 (XXI + 157 pages, ISBN: 978-3-03751-812-0)
- DAVID J. BEDERMAN/CHIMÈNE I. KEITNER, INTERNATIONAL LAW FRAMEWORKS (Foundation Press, 4th edn. 2016). (353 pages)
- C. Gevers et al, International Law, OUP, 2015. (664 pages)
- Lung-chu Chen, An Introduction to Contemporary International Law (OUP, Oxford, 2015). (641 p.)
- Dugard, John, International law : a South African perspective, 4th edn, Cape Town, Juta, 2014, (640 p.).
- Shaw, Malcolm N., International Law, 7th edn., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, (966 p.)
- Evans, Malcolm D. (ed.), International Law, Oxford, OUP, 4th edn., 2014, (873 pp).
- Hall, Stephen, International Law, 4th edn., Chatswood, LexisNexis Buttersworths Australia, 2014, (835 p.), (B.DIP 34.2.101, HALL/2 ED)
- Dixon, Martin, Textbook on International Law, 7th edn., Oxford, OUP, 2013 (432 p.)
- Boas, Gideon, Public International Law, London, Edgar Elgar, 2013, (400 p.), (BCUE droit 34 2.101, ZAB 22653).
- Wallace, Rebecca M.M. / Martin-Ortega, Olga, International Law, 7th edn., London, Sweet and Maxwell, 2013, (438 p.), (BCUE droit 34.2.101, ZAB 14677/2009).
- Conforti, Benedetto / Labella, Angelo, An Introduction to International Law (Brill, Leiden, 2012) (172 pages).
- James Crawford, Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law (Eigth Edition, OUP, Oxford, 2012).
- Clapham, Andrew (ed.), Brierly's Law of Nations - An Introduction to the Role of International Law in International Relations (Oxford, OUP, Seventh Edition, 2012), (576 p.), (No RERO R0070665553).
- Janis Mark W., International Law, 6th edn., New York, Aspen Publishers, 2012, (396 p.)
- Malanczuk, Peter, Akerhurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law, 8th edn., London/New York, Routledge, 2012, (512 p.).
- Murphy, Sean D., Principles of International Law, St. Paul (Minn.), Thomson West, 2nd edn. 2012, (608 p.), (No RERO R004186224).
- Ademola Abass, Complete International Law, OUP, Oxford, 2011.
- Epps, Valerie / Graham Lorie, International Law, Austin, Wolters Kluwer, 2011, (425 p.), (No RERO R006077514).
- Kaczorowska, Alina, Public International Law : Textbook, 4th edn., London, Routledge, 2010, (877 pp.), (No RERO R005448541).
- Aust, Anthony, Handbook of International Law, 2nd edn., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, (527 p.), (BCUE droit 34.2.101, ZAB 21474).
- Harris, David, Cases and Materials on International Law, Sweet & Maxwell, 7th edn. 2010.
- Triggs, Gillian D., International Law : Contemporary Principles and Practices, Chatswood, N.S.W., LexisNexis Butterworths, 2nd edn., 2010).
- Evans, Malcolm D. / Capps, Patrick (eds), International Law, 2 vol., Aldershot, Hants (England) / Burlington (VT), Ashgate Pub. Limited, 2009, (BCUE droit 34.2.101, ZAC 2036/1 + 2).
- Clarke, Ben / Maogoto Jackson Nyamuya, International Law, Rozelle (N.S.W), Thomson Reuters, 2nd ed., 2009, (261 p.)
- Lowe, Vaughan, International Law, Oxford, OUP, 2007, (298 p.), (B.DIP 34.2.101, LOW; No RERO R004386148).
- Buergenthal, Thomas / Murphy, Sean D., Public International Law: in a Nutshell, 4th edn., St. Paul Minn., Nutshell - West Publishing, 2007, (403 p.), (BCUE droit 34.2.101, ZAB 21178).
- O'Brien, John, International Law, 2nd edn., London/Sydney, Cavendish Publishing, 2006, (750 p.), (1st edn., 2001, 861 p., B.DIP 34.2.101, O’BR; No RERO R003239435).
- Kindred, Hugh M. et al., International Law : Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 7th edn., Toronto, E. Montgomery Publications Limited, 2006; (6th edn., 2000, 2 vol.: ISDC 117556, D 12 g CDN/INL 2000).
- Cassese, Antonio, International Law, 2nd edn., Oxford, OUP, 2005, (558 p.), (B.DIP 34.2.101, CAS 2 ED; ISDC 134466, D 12 g CASS 2005).
- Gardiner, Richard K., International Law, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited, 2003, (517 p.), (No RERO R003349574).
- Wolfe, James H, Modern International Law : an Introduction to the Law of Nations, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 2002, (198 p.), (No RERO R003272785).