Programme & schedules are being updated on a regular basis.
Taking place during period 2 : December, January & February |
On-line registration: 18-27.11.24 |
Good practices in biostatistics |
-You are a 2nd-3rd-4th+ year PhD student in Life Sciences
-You have a C1 English level
-You commit to attend and participate to ALL courses - this is a very interactive course.
-You commit to deliver WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS
If interested, contact Dr Preitner before the subscription date (
Registration directly via the organizers (see the conditions on their websites)
Humanities and social sciences of medicine and health
-Humanités en santé - 0.75 ECTS (MOOC)
-Humanities within Medicine and Health - 4 ECTS (CIVIS)
-Genre: quels enjeux ? Violences, globalisation, biomédecine, sexualités - 0.5 ECTS (MOOC)
-Réussir son doctorat en sciences humaines et sociales de la médecine 1.5 ECTS
-Biostatistics for non-statisticians: good practices, misuse and pitfalls
-Introduction to fluorescence imaging for the analysis of living cells - 1 ECTS
Thesis from A to Z, spice up your research
Courses: a minimal duration of 8 hours is required. ECTS points are not granted for PhD thesis consultations and career orientation/networking activities.
-Open access, project management for researchers and more...