E-Learning for doctoral students

UNIL offers a free access to a few MOOCs available on COURSERA.


Be aware that:

  • The official certification is not free and remains at your expense.
  • In this exceptional situation, the official certification is not necessary with regards to the course recognition in your doctoral program. However, you will have to show the scores obtained during the exams/quizzes.
  • To request your access, fill in the form (below): our e-learning helpdesk will then forward your credentials to your UNIL e-mail address.
  • On-line courses will be recognized in your doctoral program on a case-by-case basis (see our conditions below) 

The policy of the Doctoral School for external on-line trainings is the following:


  • The courses must be of quality, of a doctoral level and organized by a recognized entity,
  • The thesis director must support the request, it has to be useful for the thesis research,
  • Trainings must include exams/quizzes (copies of the results must be saved),
  • The approval, equivalence in ECTS and conditions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Doctoral School (a maximal number of ECTS for on-line courses will also be set).

Therefore, please contact in advance your main contact/coordinator at the Doctoral School to submit your request for evaluation.

Photo by Raghav Modi on Unsplash

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