
Doctoral Students in Nursing

Name Thesis Director Title of the thesis
ALVARADO Silvia Prof. Ramelet Anne-Sylvie Development, implementation and evaluation of a complex intervention for pain, sedation, iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome, drug weaning and delirium assessment and management in non-communicative intubated children: a local feasibility study
BLOT TCHOUGOURIAN Charlotte Prof. Eicher Manuela Contextual analysis for the development of a new model of care integrating Advanced Practice Nursing in home health care in the canton of Geneva, and its evaluation
AKROUR Rachid Prof. d'Amelio Patrizia Modèle d’interventions infirmières de pratique avancée en soins intégrés en hôpital à domicile
BAPTISTA PEIXOTO BEFECADU Filipa Alexandra Prof. Larkin Philip PANDORA Dyadic Project : HoPe as a temporal AND cultural expressiOn of living and dying: a longitudinal exploRAtion of the expression of hope for patients and caregivers with advanced chronic diseases and palliative care needs
FIERRY-FRAILLON Jade Prof. Mabire Cédric Implantation des infirmières de pratique avancée dans les soins à domicile des cantons de Vaud et Genève
FROTE Yves Prof. Horsch Antje Traumatic intrusive memories in nurses following repetitive potentially traumatic events and memory reconsolidation
GILLIAND Morgane Prof. Larkin Philip Développement d’une echelle d’hétéro-évaluation de la douleur pour les adultes présentant une déficience intellectuelle
LOMME Céline Prof. Ramelet Anne-Sylvie Development and implementation of a pediatric nursing professional practice-model
MARSTON Mark Prof. Ramelet Anne-Sylvie Context analysis and feasibility study of a new co-developed intervention to support families of chronically critically ill children in paediatric intensive and intermediate care – The OCTO-Plus intervention
MENOUD Grégoire Prof. Mabire Cédric Development and feasibility of a complex nursing intervention for frail people with heart failure (FRAGIC)
MICHALSKI-MONNERAT Carole Prof. Mabire Cédric Development of an Advanced Practice Nurse-led model of care to improve transitions from hospital to home: a multi-phase and stakeholder engaged approach
POUZOLS Sophie Prof. Mabire Cédric Développement et implantation d’un outil informatisé d’aide à la décision infirmière pour la détection du risque de lésion de pression nosocomiale chez les personnes hospitalisées
SCHOBINGER Elisabeth Prof. Horsch Antje Social support needs of first-time parents in the early postpartum period
SOFIA CLARA PIRES RIBEIRO FERNANDES Carla Prof. von Gunten Armin Utilisation des technologies basées sur l’intelligence artificielle pour soutenir les infirmiers travaillant en EMS dans la gestion précoce des troubles du comportement chez les résidents atteints de démence
TEIXEIRA MACHADO Patrick Prof. Eicher Manuela Delineating and evaluating advanced practice nursing roles in Swiss healthcare: a mixed methods study focusing on intensive care and intermediate care
ULAHANNAN Ambily Prof. Eicher Manuela Development and Implementation of a Collaborative APN-led Model of Care including eHealth for Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemo-Immunotherapy (CARE-L)
VERDON Mélanie Prof. Mabire Cédric Hospital-acquired conditions in older patients hospitalized in acute care settings
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