Doctorates & associated study programs: overview

In addition to the classical requirements of the thesis work, each doctoral student has to follow doctoral level courses for a certain number of ECTS credits (by courses, we mean e.g. tutorials, lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops...). This learning activity is structured in the form of study programmes. Depending on the discipline chosen, study programmes have specific requirements.  

In general, the study programmes integrate not only the Faculty's own courses, but also inter-university programmes (such as CUSOSIB, Swiss School of Public Health or SPINE courses), UNIL programmes (language and transferable skills courses) as well as activities necessary for the researcher's training (e.g. participation in seminars, conferences...).

The choice of training courses is made in agreement with the thesis director and in accordance with the guidelines/standards of the Doctoral School (which sets the requirements for their recognition). Some training courses/events may have a cost, this aspect is to be discussed within the department in which the research work takes place.

Doctorate in Life Sciences (PhD) - Study program: 12 ECTS

Registration in the the study program is done during the general enrollement process.Detailed information can be found here.

Doctorate in Humanities and Social Sciences of Medicine - Study program: 12 ECTS

PhD students follow the life sciences programme (free study option) and have access to specific training courses organised by the IHM (Institute of Humanities in Medicine).

Study program - FBM-SSP

Doctorate in Neuroscience (PhD) - Study program: 18 ECTS

Lemanic Neuroscience - UNIL-UNIGE


Doctorale in Nursing Sciences (PhD) - Study program: 12 ECTS

Nursing Sciences - IUFRS


Doctorate in Medicine and Sciences (MD-PhD) - Study program: 12 ECTS

Track: MD-PhD

Study programme: Life Sciences (UNIL-FBM)


Doctorate in Medicine (MD) - Study program: 2 ECTS
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