Forms and Rules

Rules & Guidelines

Rules & Guidelines

Milestones - useful documents and forms

1. By the end of the first semester

Committee composition
Thesis committee composition for approval by the Doctoral School.

Non-disclosure agreements
In case you require non-disclosure agreements (NDA) to be signed by thesis committee or jury members, please ensure this is done as early as possible. NDA templates are available on the PACCT website:

The Doctoral school has no objection to thesis directors/PhD students asking members of a thesis committee or jury to sign such agreements. However, all data and sections of a thesis should be made available to committee/jury members, so that they can assess it properly and ensure its quality matches the standard of a thesis.

2. During your PhD

Co-directorship art 3
If your thesis director is a "Professeur assistant", or a "Professeur ordinaire/associé" from another Faculty, a co-director has to be nominated among the "Professeurs ordinaires/associés" of the FBM.

Co-directorship 3.11
Form to be filled in if someone is chosen as co-director (criteria: has to hold a PhD, be active in research and be affiliated to a Swiss or foreign University).

Change of your thesis director
Form to be filled in if you decide to change your thesis director

Reports guidelines
Some guidance on how to format your 1st year report and your mid-thesis report.

Experts reimbursement info
Guide for the reimbursement of the external experts for your mid-thesis and the private exam

3. Information for committee and jury members

Presidents' recommendations
General information about the role of the president in a thesis committee/jury and his/her tasks

Experts' recommendations
General information about the role of (external) experts in a thesis committee/jury and his/her tasks

Experts reimbursement info
Guide for the reimbursement of the external experts for the midthesis and the private exam

4. When you prepare the final version of your thesis

Thesis cover page
Thesis title page matching the criteria of the UNIL rectorate.

Thesis cover page for "PhD in the Humanities and Social Sciences of Medicine and Health"
Thesis title page matching the criteria of the UNIL rectorate.

5. When you are ready to present your thesis at the final exams

Thesis deposit for final exams
The check-list with all documents to be provided 5 weeks before the planned date of the exam.

6. During your final exams

Private exam form
The template members of the thesis jury (except for the president) can use to provide a report on the thesis.

7. After you have successfully passed your final exams

Final steps
List of the last steps to complete before being officially graduated. If you deposit before 31.01.2025, please contact the doctoral school for specific information (

Order your degree
Once you have passed your final exams and got the imprimatur and BEFORE you have deposited your final copies at the BCU

8. Guidelines for hybrid mid-thesis and private exams

Guidelines remote participation in exams
Guidelines to follow when organising an exam with videoconferencing in a "hybrid mode"

User guide hybrid exam
User guide to set-up a hybrid exam with zoom and a micro/speaker device

How to order your Degree?

You passed your thesis defense and got the imprimatur? Before you deposit your thesis at the BCU, do not forget to order your Doctoral Degree via “MyUNIL”.
Click here


Study program (ECTS)

To validate all the courses/workshops/presentations/conferences to which you took part:

Forward to your program coordinator the participation forms, signed by your thesis director and yourself, and attach the requested documents (e.g. certificate of participation, program…). This should be done for ALL the courses, including those organised by the Doctoral School (but in this case, you do not need to attach the program).

  • For all the courses, use this form.
  • For all the conferences/meeting and workshops, use this form.
  • For all seminars, use this form.
  • For an oral presentation of the thesis results ouside the departement, use this form.
  • For the DDay, use this form.
  • For the CVM Mini-Symposium, use this form.
  • For a tutorial equivalence (with the prior agreement of the Doctoral School), use this form

For the tutorials organized by the Doctoral School FBM, you do NOT need to use a participation form. These are considered evaluations, which are transmitted directly to the Doctoral School.



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