Rules and Study plan

The rules and the Study Plan govern the academic program of formation.

Rules and Regulations of the Master

The Rules explain the general conditions, the structure of the studies, the requirements for successful completion and the transitional dispositions.

  Rules of the Master in Earth sciences enter into force in September 2022

Rules of the Master in Earth sciences enter into force in September 2019

Study plan

The Study Plan explains the content of the teaching modules and evaluation modalities.

Study plan Enter into force

 Study Plan  of the Master in Earth sciences 2023-2024


 Study Plan  of the Master in Earth sciences 2022-2023


Study Plan  of the Master in Earth sciences 2020-2021 and 2021-2022


 Study Plan  of the Master in Earth sciences 2019-2020


 Study Plan  of the Master in Earth sciences 2018-2019


Transitional measures

For students having started on September 2021, transitional measures beteween the study plan 2021-2022 to the study plan 2022-2023 are proposed. You can download it below.

Université de GenèveUniversité de Lausanne