Welcome to the ELSTE Master

A joint Master in Earth sciences between UNIGE and UNIL




After several years of informal collaboration, the sections of Earth and environmental sciences of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the University of Lausanne (UNIL) have joined together in 1999. Thus was born the Lemanic school of Earth Sciences (Ecole Lémanique des Sciences de la Terre): the ELSTE.

ELSTE is composed by the Department of Earth Sciences (DESTE) attached to the Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva and the Institute of Earth Sciences (ISTE), attached to the Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment of the University of Lausanne.


The Master

The Master of Science in Earth Sciences offers a multidisciplinary training, combining basic sciences and practical applications, which provides the necessary tools to become a key and versatile player in the transition towards a sustainable future. The transversal program offers cutting-edge knowledge in a broad field of expertise from the deep Earth, the geobiosphere and climatology, to geological risks, geoenergy and mineral resources.

Interactive teaching combines lessons, practical work and a large number of excursions to natural sites in the Alps and around the world. It is offered by specialists in Earth and environmental sciences from the universities of Lausanne and Geneva, ensuring a permanent link with the latest developments in research in the fields taught for a modern approach to Earth sciences.


Université de GenèveUniversité de Lausanne