Self-evaluation of the curriculum of the Master in geology

| Results

To further enhance the quality of the Master, the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment embarked on a process of self-evaluation of the curriculum of the Master of Science ELSTE in Geology. This Master has the specificity to be shared between the UNIL and UNIGE, in the frame of the Triangle Azur. Therefore, this self- evaluation was conducted in 2011 by the FGSE (UNIL) with a joint committee and is recognized by both Universities (UNIL and UNIGE).


For more details about the process of self-evaluation, please refer to the French pages of the ELSTE website.


You will find below the report of self- evalutation of the curriculum of Master of Science ELSTE in Geology, as well as the synthesis report. These reports were approved by the Dean's Office FGSE (UNIL) and the Vice-Dean L. Fontboté (UNIGE). They have also been validated by five external experts. The COVER (UNIL) also validated these reports but wishes to note however that the feedback on a curriculum shared by two universities remains difficult to implement.


Université de GenèveUniversité de Lausanne