Concerning the financing of your Master 's work, be sure to check with your potential supervisor the fees that will be charged directly to you.
| SERG orientation
| GATO orientation
| RGEOL orientation
Concerning the financing of your Master 's work, be sure to check with your potential supervisor the fees that will be charged directly to you.
Topic and teacher(s) in charge |
Volcanic cloud top altitudes from GNSS radio occultations Costanza Bonadonna and Dr. R. Biondi (University of Padova) |
Shifts in eruptive dynamics of Vulcano island, Italy Costanza Bonadonna, Luca Caricchi, Dr Marco Pistolesi (Université de Pisa) |
Niklas Linde, Ludovic Baron, Francesco Barone (Services industriels Lausanne) |
Fracture intersections and their link to ground-penetrating radar diffraction patterns |