
How to finance your doctorate?

Tuition fees are very low. Ph.D. students must pay a single registration fee of CHF 200 for the first semester and the semester fees (CHF 80 per semester).

There are basically three ways of financing the Doctorate:

  • Scholarships
  • Assistantship
  • Job

Assistanship and SNSF scholarships are currently the most common ways how Ph.D. students are financed in our program. Work contracts usually last for a year and are likely to be extended (up to a total of five years for university assistantships).

More information about these funding options can be found here

Having a part-time job during the Ph.D. studies is possible but challenging. Given the course load of the first two years of the doctoral program in management, the job must be flexible in terms of working hours to allow participation in the classes required by the Ph.D. program.



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