Placements & Alumni

Good overview

The strength of our program and caliber of our students is evidenced in our student placements in top institutions both in terms of post-doctoral and professorial appointments. 
Examples of top institutions: IESE Business School, HEC Paris, ETH Zurich, Cass Business School, EMLyon, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, University of Geneva, Wilfried Laurier University, Maynooth University, Durham University, Kellog School of Management and many more.


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Nicolas Bastardoz, Assistant Professor, KU Leuven

“The doctoral program in Management at HEC Lausanne offers the best tools to young researchers starting their Ph.D., with compulsory classes providing a strong background in methods, econometrics, epistemology and theories of the rm as well as a vast array of elective classes tailored to the needs and interest of every student.”


Daniel Wager, Associate Professor, Wilfried Laurier University, Canada

“At HEC Lausanne, I was fortunate to work under the supervision of world-renowned profes- sors and I was given the freedom to explore research ideas that really carry meaning for me. Writing a Ph.D. thesis is a challenging, but ultimately deeply rewarding journey. The doctoral program at HEC Lausanne provided me not only with the theoretical and methodological foundation to complete that journey, but also to launch my academic career as an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam.”


Philippe Jacquart, Associate Professor in Leadership, EM Lyon Business School

“Pursuing doctoral studies at HEC Lausanne has been one of the richest and most exciting endeavours I have engaged in. It has been incredibly intellectually stimulating and I can con dently say that the knowledge and skills I have obtained in the process have enriched both my personal and professional life.”


Yih-Teen Lee, Professor in Leadership and People Management, IESE Business School.

“The world-class faculty at HEC Lausanne is a great asset that enables doctoral students to grow and become solid scholars in specific fields. The support and mentorship I received from the professors, during and after the program, are tremendous. I am very grateful to the development opportunity offered by the Ph.D. program at HEC Lausanne.”


Sébastien Mena, Professor, Hertie School, Berlin.

“The Ph.D. program at HEC Lausanne gave me the necessary time and resources to develop an academic mindset and the capacity to publish in top journals while providing a very enjoyable environment in which to work. One of the greatest strengths of HEC Lausanne is its very active research faculty with a wide international research network, from which I benefited vastly.”


Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Associate Professor, Institute of Management, University of Geneva

“The doctoral program in management at HEC Lausanne provided me with the building blocks of how to do research. The faculty support and advice in regards to research but also to my academic career in general, was one of the most valuable parts of the program.”

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