PhD in Management


A PhD in Management can open up a career in various industries. The main goal of our program is to attract top doctoral students and develop them to be competent in conducting independent research. To accomplish this goal, the program provides a rigorous and indepth course of study in research theory and methodology along with advanced quantitative analysis techniques and specialized courses in the student's field or interest.

Our school has a strong reputation internationally and the training of our students is inextricably linked to the research quality of our faculty. Thus, one of our goals is to ensure that we can maintain and improve on our performance in research but also in teaching delivery. Our PhD program has an important role to play in that mission given the involvement our PhD students have in research production. Many of our students succeed in publishing their work during their studies or soon thereafter in top general or field journals like Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, and many more. Our students also present at top conferences including the Academy of Management where several have won awards (e.g, Organizational Behavior Division's Best International Paper Award; Research Methods Division Best Student Conference Paper Award).

Our program attracts students having masters from various fields including management, economics, psychology, sociology, or computer science. The strenght of our program and caliber of our students is evidenced in our students placements in top institutions both in terms of post-doctoral and professorial appointments. In addition, some of our students choose to go to the business world as independent consultants or working for firms like Accenture, BCV, Nestlé and others including government.

Doing a PhD is not just about doing research; it is about learning lifelong skills that are usefu in a variety of situations. Once you find your calling in a particular area you will become one of the foremost thinkers in that area.

If you want to learn more about the PhD in Management, feel free to browse the following pages or to contact us if you have any additional question or would like to arrange a visit to our school.

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Christian Peukert

Professor of Strategy, Director of the Doctoral Program in Management


Doctoral Program in Management
University of Lausanne
HEC Lausanne
Anthropole 3035
Quartier Chamberonne
CH-1015 Lausanne
+41 21 692 36 98



Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)