Giraldo Isis

Giraldo Isis

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Faculté des lettres

Section d'anglais
Position(s): Première assistante

Section d'anglais
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 5124
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Phone: 021 692 44 77


Cultural Studies
Discours de presse
Etudes de l'Amérique Latine
Etudes genre
Littéraire et culture afro-américaine
Théories féministes

Scientific distinctions and prizes

Prix SHF x Cultural Studies 2023
Le prix SHF x Cultural Studies est le fruit d'une collaboration entre la Stuart Hall Foundation et la revue Cultural Studies de Routledge/Taylor & Francis. Ce prix vise à récompenser l'article d'un chercheur en début de carrière qui reflète le mieux et/ou apporte la contribution la plus significative aux Cultural Studies telles que Stuart Hall les a conçues, en poursuivant les intérêts, les engagements et l'esprit de Stuart Hall en tant qu'intellectuel politique.

Prix de Faculté pour thèse doctorale 2017

Feminist Theory Essay Prize 2016
Prize for the article "Coloniality at Work: Decolonial Critique and the Postfeminist Regime" published in 2016 in the journal Feminist Theory.




A committed non-white feminist and a cultural studies scholar, Isis Giraldo is interested in the connections between culture and power and this constitutes the main focus of her research and intellectual endeavours.

Interdisciplinary in nature, Isis’ work belongs within the fields of cultural and media studies, particularly within critical approaches that recentre power and social justice. Her broad research interests include feminist theories, critical race theory, postcolonial-decolonial theories, new American studies and Latin American studies. Her empirical work mostly focuses on Colombia and aims at showing how the realm of mass media and culture has helped maintain stark imbalances of power along the axes of gender, race, and social class, and justify regimes of rule by a privileged few.

Her theoretical work aims at connecting Northern feminist theories, postcolonial studies, and critical thought on modernity, development, and coloniality in the Latin American tradition. Firstly, it belongs with approaches that are global in scope and recentre colonial processes whose elision has been at the heart of dominant politics of knowledge production. Secondly, it is informed by Latin American decolonial critique.

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Tel. +41 21 692 29 13