
Name Research Faculty
Michel Aberson Alps in Antiquity (Protohistory, Roman Era) Arts
Gilles Antoniazza Quantification of Sediment Transport in Alpine Rivers FGSE
Christian Arnsperger Sustainability FGSE
Dominique Barjolle Musard Agriculture ; urban agriculture ; resilience ; sustainable food systems ; mountain agriculture ; rural economy FGSE
Vincent Barras History of Medicine (Climacteric Theory) FBM
Lukas Baumgartner Alpine geology FGSE
François Bavaud Spatial and Textual Modeling Arts, FGSE
Cleo Bertelsmeier Biological Invasions FBM
Valérie Boisvert Ecosystem Services FGSE
Anouk Bonnemains Adaptations to global changes ; Socio-ecological transition of mountain territories ; Winter sports ; Territorial trajectory of mountain valleys FGSE
Simona Boscani Leoni Landscape perception ; History of natural history Arts
Valentine Boudjema Environmental anthropology ; Resources ; Identity FGSE
Jonathan Bussard Geomorphology ; Geotourism FGSE
François Bussy Alpine geology ; Geochronology ; Magmatism ; Mineralogy ; History of the Earth FGSE
Fabrizio Butera Cooperation ; Competition ; Sustainability ; Behavior changes ; Social influence ; Minorities ; Social inequalities SSP
Luca Bütikofer Land use changes ; Environmental sustainability ; Modeling ; Climate change ; Biodiversity ; Spatial ecology FGSE
Jean Chamel Climate change ; Human-nonhuman relations ; Sensory anthropology ; Ritual innovation ; Landscapes ; Art and aesthetics FGSE
Laine Chanteloup Human/animal interactions FGSE
Philippe Christe Ecology ; Conservation biology FBM
Christophe Clivaz Tourism policy ; Adaptation to climate change FGSE
Mélanie Clivaz Landscapes ; Geoheritage FGSE
Extreme statistics, Climate modeling, Spatial analysis FGSE and HEC
Cédric Cramatte Roman and Medieval archaeology in the Alps Arts
Alys Cretier Historical Rural Commons FGSE
Muriel Delabarre Urban planning FGSE
Romeo Dell’Era Roman period inscriptions in the Alps Arts
Matthieu Demierre Celtic and Roman archaeology ; The city and its economic activities ; Religion Arts
Michel Desbordes Sport, Events, Marketing, Ecology, Outdoor, Olympics SSP
Michiel de Vaan Historical linguistics ; Dialectology Arts
Nathalie Dietschy Contemporary art ; Photography ; Visual culture ; Digital Arts
Tomy Doda Limnology ; Lakes ; Biogeochemistry ; Mountain ; Tourism FGSE
Valérie Dupont Environmental law FDCA
Jean-Luc Epard Alpine geology FGSE
Sylvain Fachard Rural world ; Archaeological survey ; Communication routes ; Ancient economy ; Fortifications ; Territorial defense Arts
Jean-Michel Fallot Climatology FGSE
Madline Favre Social and cultural history of health Arts
Caterina Franco Tourism ; Obsolescence of ski resorts. FGSE
Michel Fuchs Archaeology Arts
Luca Fumagalli Population genetics ; Conservation FBM
Anne-Sophie Gavin Sustainability education ; Landscape ; River management FGSE
Loïc Giaccone Commons ; New Commons ; Geography ; Regional economy ; Tourism FGSE
Stéphanie Grand Soil Sciences FGSE
Diego Graziola Commons ; History ; Governance ; Tourism ; Sustainable Development FGSE
Marjolaine Gros-Balthazard Territorial Development, Ecological Transition FGSE
Antoine Guisan Ecology FGSE
Sandro Guzzi-Heeb History of the Alpine Region Arts
Aurélie Hendrick Relationships Between Humans and Sled Dogs: Arctic and Alpine Perspectives FGSE
Frédéric Herman Geomorphology ; Glaciology FGSE
György Hetényi Geophysics ; Seismology FGSE
Guillaume Jouvet Modeling of Glacier Evolution During the Quaternary FGSE
Philippe Kaenel Contemporary Art ; Graphic Arts ; Swiss and European Art ; Cultural History Arts
Christian Kaiser Geovisualization FGSE
Leïla Kebir Resources and Territorial Development FGSE
Georgina King Geochronology FGSE
Christophe Lambiel Geomorphology ; Cryosphere FGSE
Stuart Lane Geomorphology ; Glaciology ; Ecology FGSE
Thierry Largey Environmental law FDCA
Diane Laugel Wine Tourism and Territorial Development FGSE
Jean-Philippe Leresche Territorial Policies SSP
Danny Longman Evolution ; Adaptation ; Physiology FBM
Gianalberto Losapio Biodiversity ; Ecosystem functioning ; Environmental change ; Glacier retreat ; Human-environment interactions ; Ecological networks ; Socio-ecological systems FGSE
Hines Mabika History of medicine ; History of the environment ; Nature conservation ; History of tourism FGSE
Christophe Mager Economic geography (Mountain resorts) FGSE
Daniel Maggetti Francophone (Swiss) literature Arts
Grégoire Mariéthoz Remote sensing ; Hydrology FGSE
Florent Mazel Intestinal microbiota ; Gut flora ; Alpine mammals FBM
Flood governance of the Rhône in Switzerland FGSE
Nicolas Meylan Medieval Iceland ; History of religions ; Mythology ; Discourse ; Royalty FTSR
Jean Miczka Governance ; Tourism transition ; Undeveloped mountain areas ; Mountain hut ; Climate change FGSE
Grégoire Millet High-altitude sport ; Physiology SSP
Morgane Müller-Roux Tourism ; Degrowth and tourism ; Geography of tourism ; Geography ; Adaptation to climate change ; Mountain tourism FGSE
Othmar Müntener Alpine geology FGSE
Stéphane Nahrath Environmental policies ; Land use planning FDCA
Iago Otero Wildfires ; Interdisciplinarity ; Transformation FGSE
Géraldine Overney Tourism ; Governance ; Second homes FGSE
John Pannell Ecology and Evolution FBM
Marie-Elodie Perga Ecology of alpine lakes ; Climate change FGSE
Hans-Rudolf Pfeifer Alpine geology ; Pollution FGSE
Eva Pibiri Medieval history ; House of Savoy ; Alpine region Arts
Grégory Quin Sport in Switzerland SSP
Christophe Randin Ecology FBM
Alessandro Ratti Alpine Devotional Brotherhoods, 1700-1850 Arts
Patrick Rérat Land use planning ; Mobility FGSE
Emmanuel Reynard Geomorphology ; Landscape ; Water management FGSE
Jean Ruegg Land use planning FGSE
Emmanuel Salim Tourism ; Climate change ; Glacier retreat ; Adaptation ; Visitor experience ; Pro-environmental behavior FGSE
Joëlle Salomon Cavin Town-Rural areas relations ; Nature in the city ; Urban ecology ; Urban agriculture ; Land use planning ; Anti-urban imagination FGSE
Andréa Savoy Dams ; Water management ; Institutional regimes of resources FGSE, FDCA
Stefan Schmalholz Alpine geology FGSE
Emilia Schmitt Local supply chains, Governance, Policy, Rural development, Agroecology, Sustainability, Resilience HEC
Séverine Trouilloud Science-society relations ; Science communication SCMS
Peter Utz German literature Arts
Daniela Vaj ViaticAlpes Manager Arts
Nelly Valsangiacomo Social and cultural history ; Alpine region Arts
John Van Thyune Soil sciences ; Geochronology ; Quaternary ; Biogeoscience ; Alpine geology FGSE
Torsten Venneman Isotopic hydrogeology FGSE
Eric Verrecchia Soils and superficial formations FGSE
Pascal Vittoz Ecology FGSE
Philippe Vonnard History ; Industrialization ; Conservation ; Environment ; Alps ; Leisure ; Sports SSP
Gretchen Walters Nature conservation ; Commons FGSE
François Wiblé Archaeology of Roman provinces ; Latin epigraphy Arts
Fridolin Zimmermann Large predators ; Lynx ; Wolf ; Coexistence ; Camera trapping ; Capture-recapture ; Habitat modeling FBM
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