Dr. Christophe Randin


How species are distributed in space and time, what are the functional and mechanistic explanations of their past and current distribution and how can we best project their future geographic range under the main drivers of global change, are the broad questions that I aim to answer in my research. 


More specifically, my three main research axes are:

  • Assessing and projecting the evolution of spring phenology of dominant mountain tree species under climate change
  • Unravelling the mechanisms of persistence of rare and endemic alpine plants under the past and current climate oscillations
  • Using observations from historical herbarium specimens to assess the range dynamics of indigenous and neophyte plant species in the fragmented and urbanized landscape of Canton de Vaud




«Herbier vaudois 2.0: a observation plateform based on historical herbarium specimens»
Canton de Vaud
Function: Main applicant and main PI (project managers: Noémie Chervet & Edouard Di Maio)

Website: https://www.bicweb.vd.ch/communique.aspx?pObjectID=649336

2014 - 2018
«Comprendre et prédire la réponse des écosystèmes forestiers d'altitude aux changements climatiques. Apports d'un programme de science participative»
CIFRE grant for a PhD project
Function : Co-applicant with Dr. Anne Delestrade and co-director of the PhD with Prof. Isabelle Chuine.
Received: € 42’000
Website: http://phenoclim.org/fr/news/phenoclim-these-daphne-asse

«Effects of climate change on past, recent, and future biodiversity of alpine/arctic plants: Integrative evidence from phylogenies, population genetics, ecological niche modeling and new insights for conservation»
Swiss National Scientific Fundation (SNSF)
Function: Co-PI with Prof. Elena Conti (PI)
(SNSF Grant No. PDFMP3_132471/1
Received: CHF 480’000
Website: http://www.plantsciences.uzh.ch/research/fellowships/prodoc.html

Atlas Scientifique du Mont Blanc
Mont Blanc Transboundary Integrated Plan (PIT)
ALCOTRA (EU) and DREAL (France)
Function: Co-PI with Dr. Anne Delestrade, Dr. Wilfried Thuiller and Prof. Niklaus Zimmermann
Received: € 396’000
Requested for 2015-2018: € 450’000
Website: http://www.atlasmontblanc.org/

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