Pelet lab

Quantitative signal transduction in yeast MAPK pathways



We use budding yeast as a model system to understand how cells sense their environment and respond to extra-cellular signals. Our work is mainly focused on the conserved signal transduction cascade, the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK).

We use microscopy techniques to study the behavior of single cells. The heterogeneity of the response of individual cells can provide valuable information on the regulation of these pathways. Therefore our goal is to develop new microscopy assays to quantify in real time the activity of these pathways. We will use these assays to better understand the transfer of information from the exterior to the interior of the cell.

More info about the people and specific projects of the lab can be found on Pelet lab webpage.

Serge Pelet
Senior Lecturer - MER1

Quartier UNIL-Sorge
Bâtiment Biophore 2454
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 692 56 21

