ILL platform can analyze your images or give you access to different software to do it yourself.
- Our in-house developed IFQuant software allows a simple semi-automatic per cell analyses of mIF images from PhenoImager with automatic cell and tissue detection, ROI drawing and a user friendly interface to review your mIF images. All informations could be exported in an excel table and tsv files that could be used for downstream analyses.
IFQuant software
(c) ILL Department of oncology UNIL CHUV
- Inform® Software from AKOYA allows a per cell quantification and phenotyping of mIF images from PhenoImage, using tissue segmentation, cell segmentation, phenotyping and scoring. All informations could be exported in an excel table used for downstream analyses.
Inform® software
(c) ILL Department of oncology UNIL CHUV
- Visiopharm® Software allow a per cell quantification and phenotyping driven by AI of any kind of images (mIF, GeoMx, RNAscope, …). The software could also do more deeper analyses of cell proximity, clustering, statisitics, in an interactive way … It allows also image alignments of same or different modalities (mIF, GeoMx,…), detailed TMA analyses, and more.
Visopharm® software
(c) ILL Department of oncology UNIL CHUV