Ncounter platform, Nanostring

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Nanostring nCounter is a unique system offering the ability to multiplex up to 800 targets in a single reaction with no amplification, and count digitally to help with results reproducibility. Field of applications are multiple as CNVs, Gene Fusions, Non-Coding RNA (miRNA, lncRNA), PanCancer gene expression panels, stem cells panel, inflammation panel, infectious panel (included COVID-19), TCR Diversity...


Oncology Lausanne ILL nanostring illustration2.png

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Nanostring illustration
(c) ILL Department of oncology UNIL CHUV



Ncounter can processed very low amount of materials and low quality from total RNA/DNA/protein from fresh tissues or FFPE sections, whole cell extract, laser capture microdissection from fresh and FFPE tissues, single cell, PAXgene Lysed whole blood, circultating tumor cells, plasma, serum and other biofluids, exosomes… Ncounter could be an alternative to sequencing.

Services provided


  • RNA extraction from FFPE sample.
  • RNA extraction from PBMC, sera, plasma and exosomes.
  • Hybridization and run on the Ncounter platform.
  • Instrument access and technical support.


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Prices on request.

Ch. des Boveresses 155 - CH-1066 Epalinges
Tel. +41 21 692 59 92
Fax +41 21 692 59 95
Ludwig Cancer ResearchUniversité de LausanneCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)