Appels d'offres de la Fondation Biowise

BIOWISE FOUNDATION - 2024 First Call for Applications - Now Open

The Biowise Foundation opens its first call to promote exchange and mobility among four European universities

The Biowise Foundation's mission is to grant scholarships to students, Ph.D. / doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers active in the field of biomedicine, in order to promote exchange and mobility among the four following institutions:

  • Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) of the University of Lausanne, UNIL-CHUV, Switzerland;
  • University of Basel, Switzerland;
  • University of Oxford, United Kingdom;
  • The Berlin Universities within the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) and the research institutions within BR50, via the Förderfonds Wissenschaft in Berlin, Germany.

The Foundation actively promotes equal opportunities and gender inclusion through its comprehensive initiatives and programs.

The Biowise Foundation also extends its support to research projects of the Institutions mentioned at the prior paragraph in the biomedical sciences to fund professors aiming to initiate or enhance collaborations among these institutions. Moreover, proposals that foster connections between biomedical science and environmental aspects will also be eligible for consideration for funding.

Objectives of this call

To foster collaboration among researchers based on the above-mentioned universities and research institutions.


Who can apply?

Ph.D. / Doctoral students, postodoctoral fellows, seniors researchers and professors from the above-mentioned universities and research institutions.


Categories of Funding

1. Short visits for Ph.D. / Doctoral students for research purposes: up to three visits lasting four weeks each (3 months total) within a single academic year.
2. Scholarships for Ph.D. / Doctoral students - funding is available for a maximum period of 36 months.
3. Extended visits - postdoctoral researchers and professors (academic sabbatical), are permissible for a duration of up to 12 months within a three-year timeframe.


Documents required for the submission


  • Submission form – filled in all parts;
  • Applicant CV;
  • Research project (max. 4 pages - see application form);
  • Letter of support from the applicant institution;
  • Letter of support from the host institution
    • If the applicant is a Ph.D. / doctoral student or a postdoctoral fellow, this letter will contain details of the mentoring programme that will be put in place at this host institution.


Submission deadline

  • The deadline for submitting the research proposal is September 30th, 2024.
  • Funding period active from January 15th, 2025

Please send all documents in one PDF file to the to the following email address:


Evaluation and selection

The proposal submissions will be evaluated by the members of the Scientific Committee of the Biowise Foundation. Their funding recommendations will be submitted to the Foundation Board which will make the final decision. The decisions of the Board are final.


Rue du Bugnon 21 - CH-1011 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 50 00
Fax +41 21 692 50 05
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)Unisanté