Inequality and Integration

Modern societies are changing radically. Increasing immigration and changes in the labour market (including digitalization, robotization) create new social inequality structures. The Inequality and Integration Unit analyses research questions such as :

Who are the winners and losers in transforming labour markets ? How can immigrants and asylum seekers be integrated in the host societies’ labour markets ? How can discrimination against immigrants and other vulnerable individuals be reduced in multi-ethnic societies ?

The aim of the Inequality and Integration Unit is to contribute to international academic debates, produce applied research and contribute to the research-based teaching at IDHEAP in these domains. 

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Prof. Flavia Fossati
Unit director
+41 21 692 69 10

Rue de la Mouline 28 - CH-1022 Chavannes-près-Renens
Tel. +41 21 692 68 00
Fax +41 21 692 68 09