Cryopreservation and Rederivation Unit


Welcome to the Cryopreservation and Revitalisation Service of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine. Our mission is to support high-level scientific research in accordance with the 3R principles. We offer tailor-made solutions to help you with your projects, helping to reduce the number of animals needed to maintain strains through our cryopreservation services (link to the 3Rs page).

We offer a full range of services for murine lines.

Sperm freezing is the ideal solution for securing a valuable strain, preventing genetic drift or conserving a strain that is no longer part of an active scientific study by archiving it. This makes it possible to maintain lines with no future project (application of the 3Rs) and to save on the cost of housing.

2 males (ideal age: 12 - 32 weeks) are needed to freeze 16 vials.

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) will be carried out as a quality control.

Our services include

  • sperm freezing
  • storage of straws.


  • How to contact us? You can contact us using our form (here below) to discuss your specific requirements.
  • Analysis and proposal. We will analyse your needs and propose a personalised plan including appropriate services, timescales and estimated costs.
  • Implementation. Once the project has been validated, we will implement the agreed procedures, ensuring regular monitoring and keeping you informed at every stage of the process.


Our rates are competitive and tailored to the needs of academic and research institutions. Pricing information is available below. For a detailed cost estimate or to book our services, please contact us (email address and telephone number on the right of this page).

Cryo Fees.pdf  (511 Ko)

Suivez nous:        


Cryopreservation and Rederivation Unit - UNIL
+41 21 692 51 80


Rue du Bugnon 21 - CH-1011 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 50 00
Fax +41 21 692 50 05
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)Unisanté