- Behaviour, Economics, and Evolution (BEE) Lecture Series
- Biology and Integrative Genetics (BIG) Seminars
- Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) Breakfast & Science Seminars
- Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG) Seminars
- Department of Computational Biology (DBC) Seminars
- Department of Ecology and Evolution (DEE) Seminars & Events
- Department of Fundamental Neurosciences (DNF) Seminars & Symposia
- Department of Immunobiology (DIB) Seminars & Conferences
- Department of Plant Molecular Biology (DBMV) Seminars & Events
- Dubochet Center for Imaging Events
- FBM Core Facilities Events
- IUFRS - Les conférences de l'Institut universitaire de formation et de recherche en soins
- Plateforme durabilité et santé
- Lola & John Grace Distinguished Lectures in Cancer Research (EPFL)
- Ludwig Distinguished Lectures & Oncology Grand Rounds (AGORA)
- NeuroLéman Seminars (UNIL/EPFL/UNIGE)
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) in silico talks
- Unisanté - Colloques promotion de la santé et prévention