Conduct an experiment


Preparing an experiment is a complex procedure that requires thorough planning of the research design as well as ethical, financial, and logistical considerations. The preparation procedure depends on the type of experiment you are conducting, namely:

  • LABEX experiments in the lab or online: LABEX recruits your participants and takes care of the organizational and logistical part of the experiment.  

  • Non-Labex experiments: in the classroom, in the field, or online (using external providers such as MTurk or Prolific, etc.).

As of April 2022, all Submissions (Ethical, Financial, Logistical) must be completed at the HEC Research Platform. You will find the link below.

Research Platform

In case you plan to conduct an experiment using the LABEX services or facilities (laboratories or the ORSEE subject pool), please write a brief e-mail to the LABEX Coordination team ( containing the following information:


  • Type of experiment (Lab/ Online/ both);

  • Which LABEX lab you would like to use for your experiment;

  • An approximate date (month) when you would like to run the experiment;

  • Whether you will need technical support.

In order to ensure that the pre-and post-experiment procedures are working properly, click on the image that corresponds to your study to get more information.

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As of April 2022, all Submissions (Ethical, Financial, Logistical) must be completed at the HEC Research Platform. You will find the link below.

Research Platform

The HEC Research Platform will help you centralize both your studies and submissions.

Research platform logos(4).gif

Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)