Lab LABEX experiments

Main Room.jpg

Step-by-step guide to conducting a lab LABEX experiment

Laboratory experiments are the "classical" LABEX experiments. Generally, participants in these experiments are recruited via the ORSEE participant pool. If you wish, you can however recruit the participants yourself. Please note that regardless of the recruitment method used, the same rules (non-deception, remuneration of participants, etc.) and requirements for the preparatory procedure (Ethical and Financial submissions) apply to any experiment that takes place in the LABEX facilities.

You will find information on each step of the process to follow during a laboratory experiment organized by LABEX in the step-by-step guide below.

1. Lab availability and pre-reservation

Please check the availability of the laboratory you want on the Experiment calendar and contact the LABEX coordination team to make a pre-booking.


2. Submissions

All submissions must be completed via the HEC Lausanne Research Platform.

You will be asked to fill out a short general form about your study so that the Platform can define which submissions and documents are required for your study. You will then be accompanied and guided through the administrative process.

Ethic Submission



At least four weeks before running your experiment, you need to fill in an Ethical Submission for your experiment and then wait to get approval from the Commission for Ethics in Research (CER-HEC). The response time is a maximum of one week

Be aware that any research run by an HEC researcher that involves human participation or that could raise ethical issues needs to get prior approval from the CER-HEC.


Financial Submission and Financial Forms


At least three weeks before running your experiment, you need to fill in a Financial Submission for your experiment.

Additionally to the financial submission, you will have to hand in the financial forms adapted to your experiment.

The LABEX coordination team will check that everything is in order and will transfer it to the HEC Financial Services for approval (max. one week response time).

Logistical Submission


At least two weeks before running your experiment, you need to fill in a Logistical Submission. The logistical submission allows you to specify the organizational details of the experiment and provides guidance to the LABEX Coordination team in the participant recruitment process as well as in the programming of the lab sessions.


3. Cash request (for cash remunerations)

At least two weeks before the experiment, get in touch with the HEC Financial Service in order to plan the exact cash-management procedure for your experiment (when to pick up the money, denominations needed, etc.).

You can find the cash request form on the Research Platform.


Warning: any delay in the cash management procedure may compromise the schedule of your experiment!

4. Experiment management

Get your access authorization to the lab


To access the laboratory you have reserved for your experiment, it is necessary to add a temporary authorization to your campus card (valid for one semester). Please contact the LABEX coordination team at least ten days before the start of the experiment to get your access authorization and the authorization for all members of your team.

Once the access authorization has been added to your campus card and the ones of your team members, please make sure to activate it via one of the "green light KABA terminals" (a weekly activation is required). Then, go by the lab to check if the access works, but make sure not to disturb any ongoing experiment. You can check the schedule of ongoing experiments on the Experiment calendar .

Please note that we cannot create any last minute access authorizations. Therefore, please make sure to check your access sufficiently in advance!

Test your experiment on the lab's PCs



Ten days before the beginning of your experiment, make sure to run a test session of your experiment on the lab’s computers in order to test all the functionalities of the software that you would like to use during the experiment. You will find the access codes of the LABEX computers on the Research Platform (in the FAQ). Get in touch with the Lab Coordination team to find a timeslot to run your test session.


Get a list of your experiment’s participants


If you use the ORSEE subject pool for your experiment, the Lab Coordination team will send you a participants’ list for your experimental session(s), two hours before the experiment at the latest.

Meet your participants


Meet your participants at the previously agreed meeting point. Each laboratory has its own meeting point:


Meeting Point

Main Room

On the 1st floor of the Internef building, on top of the stairs that are located between room 123 and room 125.

13 Lab

On the 1st floor of the Internef building, in front of room 123 next to the stairs.

8 Lab

In front of the 8 Lab (room 080.41, Internef floor 0)

3 Lab

On the 1st floor of the Internef building, in front of room 131, on top of the staircase


On the 1st floor of the Internef building, in front of room 131, on top of the staircase


In front of the SocialSensing Lab (room 095.3, Internef floor 0)

VR Lab

In front of the VR Lab (room 095.2, Internef floor 0)

UX Lab

In front of room 235 (Internef, 2nd floor)


Before starting the experiment, verify that all participants indicated on the participants’ list are present and make sure that each participant signs a consent form (manually or digitally).

It is important to start the session at the indicated time. In almost every session, there are participants who do not show up; it is not worth waiting for potential latecomers. Furthermore, be aware that you are free to turn away participants who arrive late without having to pay them.

In case of overbooking, some participants have to leave voluntarily or after being designated by a lottery. These participants are being compensated for having shown up (CHF 10.-) and have to fill in and sign the overbooking form. Watch out: Only participants who were registered on the participants’ list should receive this show-up fee.

Run your experiment


Once you have verified that all participants are present and have signed a consent form, proceed to running your experiment.

After the experiment, every participant has to identify him-/herself by the means of a campus card or an ID card and subsequently manually sign a payment form before getting his or her remuneration.

Please watch out to not exceed the time limit indicated on the consent form for the entire experiment. Are included in the experiment time: the information given to the participants, the signature of the consent form, the actual experiment, and the payment procedure. The participants are paid to stay in the lab for a specific timeslot and this should not be overrun.

Fill in the feedback form


Directly after the last experiment session of the day, please fill in the feedback form.

5. Financial status report and closure of the experiment

At the latest at the end of the experiment week (or at the end of each experiment week for experiments that take several weeks), the following documents have to be transmitted to the HEC Financial Service:

  • The completed financial forms, signed by the participants (consent forms, payment forms, and – if there are some – overbooking forms).
  • The summary table of compensation for remunerated experiments.

All these documents are available on the Research Platform and will be proposed to you according to your study.


6. Organizational and technical closure of the experiment

If you experienced any hardware-problems (PCs that do not run or printers that are defective), thank you for reporting this information to the LABEX team  (even if these problems did not interfere with your experiment).

If deemed necessary, you can schedule a feedback meeting with the LABEX team.


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As of April 2022, all Submissions (Ethical, Financial, Logistical) must be completed at the HEC Research Platform. You will find the link here below.

Research Platform

The HEC Research Platform will help you centralize both your studies and submissions.

Research platform logos(2).gif

Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)