All submissions must be completed via the HEC Lausanne Research Platform.
You will be asked to fill out a short general form about your study so that the Platform can define which submissions and documents are required for your study. You will then be accompanied and guided through the administrative process.
At least four weeks before running your experiment, you need to fill in an Ethical Submission for your experiment and then wait to get approval from the Commission for Ethics in Research (CER-HEC). The response time is a maximum of one week.
Be aware that any research run by an HEC researcher that involves human participation or that could raise ethical issues needs to get prior approval from the CER-HEC.
At the latest three weeks before launching your experiment, you need to complete a Financial Submission for your experiment.
The LABEX coordination team will check that everything is in order and will transfer it to the HEC Financial Service for approval (max. one week).
For your information, online experiments can be remunerated either via cash payments or via bank transfers. However, we strongly recommend that subjects are paid via the digital bank transfer payment procedure, in order to simplify the process as much as possible for participants. You will find all the information about the different payment methods on the Research Platform in the FAQ section, under "Participants' Remuneration Management".
Keep in mind that for online studies it is possible to remunerate your subjects via a lottery system. You can also find more information about this payment procedure on the Research Platform. The LABEX team is happy to provide you with more information on this type of remuneration and which online studies are eligible for it.
At least two weeks before running your experiment, you need to fill in a Logistical Submission. The Logistical Submission allows you to specify the organizational details of the experiment and provides guidance to the LABEX coordination team in the participants' recruitment process.