Participants' Remuneration Management

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If this is your first time running a remunerated experiment, please get in touch with the HEC Financial Service before running your experiment to learn more about the remuneration management procedure. The following remuneration types are available for your studies:

  • Cash remuneration
  • Remuneration via bank transfer
  • Remuneration via a third party company (e.g. a market research institut, Mturk, Prolific)
  • Watch out: specific procedures apply to lottery remunerations and donations

You'll find more information on the remuneration rules and types in the FAQ's of the Research Platform.

When you create a study on the Research Platform, you will be asked to fill out a short general form about your study so that the Platform can define which submissions and documents are required for your study. You will then be accompanied and guided through the administrative process.

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As of April 2022, all Submissions (Ethical, Financial, Logistical) must be completed at the HEC Research Platform. Please use Pulse Secure to get connected to it. You will find the link below.


Research Platform


The HEC Research Platform will help you centralize both your studies and submissions.

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Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)