Non-Labex experiments: external vendors, classroom, field


Non-LABEX experiments step-by-step: external vendors, classroom, field

A non-LABEX experiment is an experiment in which the participants are not recruited via the ORSEE subject pool and which therefore does not require the LABEX's organizational and logistical service.

However, LABEX provides researchers with software for conducting experiments, such as oTree, zTree and Qualtrics, as well as technical support on demand.

LABEX is also the intermediary between the researchers and other services such as the Commission for Ethics in Research (CER-HEC) and the HEC Financial Service. Among other things, we check if your submissions are complete before forwarding them to the concerned service.

You will find information on each step of the process of planning and implementing a non-LABEX experiment in the step-by-step guide below.


All submissions must be completed via the HEC Lausanne Research Platform.

You will be asked to fill out a short general form about your study so that the Platform can define which submissions and documents are required for your study. You will then be accompanied and guided through the administrative process.

Ethical Submission


At least four weeks before running your experiment, you need to fill in an Ethical Submission for your experiment and then wait to get approval from the Commission for Ethics in Research (CER-HEC). The response time is a maximum of one week

Be aware that any research run by an HEC researcher that involves human participation or that could raise ethical issues needs to get prior approval from the CER-HEC.


Financial Submissions and forms


At least one week before running your experiment, you need to fill in a Financial Submission for your experiment, but only if it is a remunerated study.

The LABEX coordination team will then check if everything is in order and will transfer your submission including the financial forms to the HEC Financial Service for approval (max. one week response time).


3. Experiment management

For non-LABEX studies, you are responsible for the implementation phase of the experiment. The LABEX team and the Financial Service team remain at your disposal for any question that you may have.


How to pay for your experiment organized via an external vendor?


When using external platforms (MTurk, Prolific, Cloudresearch, etc.) where a prepayment by credit card is required, you will initially need to use your personal credit card to pay for the survey. Once the survey is completed, you can get reimbursed for the actual costs by sending your credit card statement, invoices, or proof of payment of participants, as well as the filled-in "reimbursement form" to HEC Financial Service. The reimbursement form can be found on the Research Platform.

When using external vendors such as research or survey institutes, their services can be billed directly. The vendors' invoice can then be forwarded directly to HEC Financial Service. Please note that for services equal to or exceeding CHF 20'000, three offers from different providers are required.

For NON-ORSEE field or classroom experiments, you also have the possibility to remunerate the participants in cash or by bank transfer (paper version). Please note that it is not possible to use bank transfer payments in the digital version unless the participants are registered in the ORSEE database.

Which financial forms to prepare?


In addition to filling in the financial submission, you will need to attach the appropriate financial forms adapted to your experiment, namely:

Type of experiment

Financial submission

Consent form

Payment form

Non remunerated experiments

Not required

Required: To be sent to the LABEX team

Not required

Experiments with external vendors such as MTurk or Prolific, Survey Institute, etc.

Required: file the submission
at least 1 week before the launch of your experiment
Required: attach the document to the financial submission

Not required

Remunerated field or classroom* experiments Required: file the submission
at least 1 week before the launch of your experiment
Required: attach the document to the financial submission

Required: attach the document to the financial submission

* Participation in classroom experiments must be entirely voluntary and this must be stated in the consent form

Cash payments: order the cash to pay your participants


At least two weeks before the experiment, get in touch with the HEC Financial Service in order to plan the exact cash-management procedure for your experiment (when to pick up the money, denominations needed, etc.).

You will find more information on this process on the Research Platform, in the FAQ section, under "Participants' Remuneration Management".

Warning: any delay in the cash management procedure may compromise the schedule of your experiment!



3. Financial status report and closure of the experiment

At the latest at the end of the week of the experiment (or at the end of each week of the experiment for those lasting several weeks), the financial documents need to be sent to HEC Financial Service. You can have an overview of these documents on the Research Platform in the FAQ section, under "What is the procedure for financial closure of a non-LABEX experiment?".



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As of April 2022, all Submissions (Ethical, Financial, Logistical) must be completed at the HEC Research Platform. You will find the link here below.

Research Platform

The HEC Research Platform will help you centralize both your studies and submissions.

Research platform logos(4).gif

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