Thome-Miazza group members

Chantal Décaillet
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Chantal Décaillet


Chantal obtained her Master degree in 2004 from the University of Lausanne. From 2006 to 2010 she worked as a lab technician in Prof Constantinou’s lab at the Biochemistry Institute in Epalinges.  She joined the lab of Prof Margot Thome in 2010 as a lab technician.

Sara Escudeiro Lopes
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Sara Escudeiro Lopes 



Sara Escudeiro Lopes earned her Master’s degree in Molecular Cell Biology from Nottingham Trent University in 2015. Following this, she joined the laboratory of Professor Hozák at the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Prague, where she focused on studying laminopathies and nuclear lipids. In 2019, she began her doctoral studies under the supervision of Dr. Kečkešová at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, completing her PhD in 2024. Her research focused on uncovering novel tumour suppressor pathways that could translate into future therapeutic applications. In 2025, Sara joined Professor Thome’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher, where she will contribute to advancing our understanding of MALT1 biology

Mélanie Favre-Juilland
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Mélanie Favre-Juilland


Mélanie Favre-Juilland obtained her master’s degree in medical biology from the University of Lausanne in the year 2011. Then, she joined the lab of Prof. Margot Thome as a PhD student in 2011 to investigate the role of AP-1 transcription factor in lymphomagenesis. She obtained her PhD degree in cancer and immunology in 2015. Since 2016 she joined Margot Thome’s lab as a research associate to identify and characterize new MALT1 substrates.

Montserrat Gonzalez
Marcus Long
Manhui Luo
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Manhui Luo


Manhui obtained her Bachelor degree in biotechnology from the Hunan University in the year 2018. Then, she joined the lab of Deyin Guo in Sun Yat-sen University to investigate the mechanism of Connexin43 mediated antioxdiation in her Master degree, from year 2018 to 2021. Later, she joined our lab in 2022 to explore  the function of ABIN-1 and A20 in T or B cell receptor mediated NF-kB pathway.

Silvia Podavini

Silvia Podavini


Silvia obtained her Master’s degree in Medical Biotechnologies from the University of Padova, Italy, in the year 2018. During this time, she joined the lab of Professor Margot Thome to carry out her thesis internship during which she investigated the potential role of MALT1 in C. elegans. Then she continued as a PhD student to investigate the biochemical mechanisms of PD1-mediated T-cell inhibition. She obtained her PhD degree in Cancer and Immunology in 2024 and she is still currently working on the project.

Harun-Or Rashid

Harun-Or Rashid


Harun-Or Rashid obtained his master’s degree in medical sciences  from the chnobuk national university, South Korea, in the year 2015. Then, he joined the lab of Professor Anne Spang, University of Basel,  in 2016 to investigate role of FERARI (a membrane tethering complex) in intra-cellular trafficking. He worked in the lab of Professor Anne Spang from 2016-2021. He joined our lab in 2022 to study the role of MALT1-mediated proteolytic cleavage in B-Cells and T-cells. 

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