Enhancing skills and reintegrating the world of work | VPRO

The topic

Return-to-work policies are currently undergoing a rethink and a change of focus. On the one hand, the so-called activation approach, which has been dominant since the 1990s, is beginning to show its limitations. On the other hand, today's widespread labour shortages are providing new opportunities for reintegrating population groups who have fallen out of the labour market. In this context, several European countries and Swiss cantons are revising their labour laws and putting a greater emphasis on skills training, development and promotion.

This training seminar aims to provide job reinsertion professionals with the tools needed to become fully-fledged actors in this movement. In particular, these tools should enable them to put in place support for job seekers based on the development and enhancement of their skills while also taking full advantage of labour shortages. This seminar is also intended to be a meeting place for professionals from the domains of reinsertion and training and the companies that will be requiring new staff.

This training seminar is organised in collaboration with GOVPET, the leading house for governance in vocational and professional education and training.


  • Learn about the ongoing transformations in policies for getting people reintegrated into the world of work,
  • Understand how the labour market works in the context of labour shortages;
  • Identify opportunities for developing and promoting the skills provided through Switzerland's social and educational systems;
  • Identify examples of best practices in Switzerland and abroad.

Target audience

  • Professionals with management responsibilities in the domain of reintegrating people into the world of work (employment services, social services, Swiss Invalidity Assurance bureaus, NGOs);
  •  Human resources managers in companies facing recruitment difficulties;
  • Professionals with management responsibilities in the domains of vocational or professional training;
  • Managers responsible for designing and implementing measures for reintegrating people into the world of work within the frameworks of the Swiss Federal Law on Compulsory Unemployment Insurance and Compensation in the Event of Insolvency, the social welfare system and Invalidity Assurance;
  • Professionals in the domain of integrating migrants into the workforce.


  • French is the main teaching language for this program
  • More information available on the corresponding pages
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Course Manager

Prof. Giuliano Bonoli
+41 21 692 68 90

Studies Secretariat

Isabelle Pralong
+41 21 692 68 11

Rue de la Mouline 28 - CH-1022 Chavannes-près-Renens
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