Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
The public sector is continually modernising its management methods. The emphasis is often put on efficacy or even profitability. The financial dimension is also becoming more important in administrative behaviour. In the past, the responsibilities and tasks surrounding finance (e.g. developing budgets, treasury services, funding) habitually concentrated among a small number of individuals, often associated with the same administrative body. Modern management techniques imply the decentralisation of these elements.
The range of professionals concerned with financial information and procedures has widened considerably. These persons must acquire new competencies in order to master the necessary procedures and develop the skills to interpret pertinent information. Fulfilling these twin requirements is the course’s ultimate objective.
Course Manager
Prof. Nils Soguel
+41 21 692 68 50
Studies Secretariat
+41 21 692 69 17