Wiederkehr Sara


Doctorante ERC

Religions, migration, arts

Institut de Sciences sociales des religions (ISSR)

Email : sara.wiederkehr<at>unil.ch

Fields of interest :
Sociocultural Anthropology, Audio- visual Anthropology
Migration and Mobilities studies, Social Imaginaries, Intersubjectivity



Sara Wiederkehr is an Anthropologist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a joint MA in Contemporary History from the Universidad de Zaragoza and the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and an MA in Media and Visual Anthropology from the Freie Universität Berlin.

Her previous works focused on the construction of social memories, on the use and role of visual images in war and social and political conflicts, and on alternative narratives in anthropological research. She is interested in developing visual narratives that explore perceptions and representations of social realities, by combining ethnographic theories and methodologies with visual anthropology.


Sara has developed research projects linked to the Colombian conflict, and to the tensions between artisanal fishing, local living, and the global market in Colombia and Costa Rica. Her visual work has been presented in Berlin and Bogotá.


In her MA Thesis in Visual Anthropology “Wetland Stories: An Ontological Cartography”, Sara discusses the concepts of territorialities, representations, and social imaginaries in the context of two Wetland areas in Costa Rica. The thesis is a representation of the everyday tensions between the global and the local, the center and the periphery. She reflects and narrates the lived and built environment; the importance of (multi-) locality and (multi-) vocality and the role of social imaginaries in constructing the history of the people. Her written thesis was accompanied by an audio-visual installation. 


Currently, she is a Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology and a member of the ERC Artivism project: “Art and Activism. Creativity and Performance as Subversive Form of Political Expression in Super- Diverse Cities”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Monika Salzbrunn, at the Université de Lausanne in Switzerland.



“Migration, Political Art and Digitalization”. In: Frömming, Terry, Fox, Köhn (eds.) Digital Environments. Ethnographic Perspectives Across Global Online and Offline Spaces. Berlin: Transcripts. 2016.

Exhibitions and Presentations:

“We keep on dancing” Short Documentary. Ethnocineca International Documentary Film Festival Vienna
23 – 29 May, 2019. Vienna, Austria.

“Wetland stories : an ontological cartography” Audio-visual Installation. German Anthropological Association Conference: Mediating senses of belonging. An exhibition of practice-based projects in visual and media anthropology.
4 – 7 October, 2017. Berlin, Germany

“Wetland Stories”. Audio-visual Installation. Joint graduate exhibition “Spaces of perception”. Media and Visual Anthropology, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin.
21 – 23 October, 2016. Berlin, Germany.

“Proyecto Mangle - Creating memories of the Colombian conflict”. Audio-visual Installation.
10 ­–16 May, 2015. Art Gallery Ori Balboa. Berlin, Germany.
7 November, 2014. Art exhibition “Feeling about war”. Goldsmiths University. London, UK.
19 – 20 July, 2014. Rundgang MA Sound Studies. Universität der Künste Berlin. Berlin, Germany.

“Retratos del Bajo Sinú”. Photography. Joint exhibition "Retractus. Memorias Etno-Gráficas en Colombia”. Obtura, Grupo de Estudios en Antropología Audiovisual. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
28 – 30 April, 2015. Cátedra Kapuściński. Universidad Central. Bogotá, Colombia
November, 2014. Claustro San Agustín. Bogotá, Colombia
