Philanthropy & Innovation




This course explores the evolution of philanthropy, examining its impact and role in society throughout the ages. Students will analyze how philanthropic acts have been influenced by socio-economic and political contexts at different times and how philanthropy, in turn, has influenced these contexts.


Students will begin by studying the roots of philanthropy in various cultures and civilizations, moving through the medieval era, the Renaissance, and up to the industrial and modern eras. They will examine how the motivations, objectives, and methods of philanthropy have evolved in response to social, economic, and political changes. The course will then focus on the current state of philanthropy, analyzing major foundations and philanthropists of today, their approaches, and the impact of their contributions. Students will also study current criticisms of philanthropy and its interaction with public policy and social movements. Additionally, students will explore emerging trends in the field of philanthropy, such as strategic philanthropy, impact investing, and social innovation. They will reflect on the future challenges that philanthropy may face and the opportunities it could leverage to shape a more equitable future. A significant part of the course will be devoted to studying the legal aspects of philanthropy in different legal systems. Students will assess how legal frameworks influence philanthropic practices in various jurisdictions and how legislation can facilitate or hinder philanthropic activities.






Maximilien Marxer




transactions.jpg International Business Transactions

regulation.jpg International Business Regulation

innovation.jpg International Business Law and Innovation



3 ECTS credits

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