International Business Law and Innovation



The programme provides detailed knowledge of the rapidly evolving field of law and technology that is challenging today’s society. It covers topics from artificial intelligence and fintech to big data and the sharing economy and provides insights into the technological and economic aspects of innovation which are needed to understand how the law responds to new technologies. The programme also offers a summer school in law and technology at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London and a law and technology clinic and moot court in cooperation with international institutions.




Total of 60 credits (ECTS) is distributed as follow:
18 credits must be selected from courses relating to the specialisation, 24 credits can be freely chosen from all the courses, 18 credits for the Master Thesis on a topic relating to the specialisation.

The following courses are within the specialisation:innovation color.jpg

Regular Courses                                                                                


Foundations Law & Technology (Digiweek) 6
Future of Digital Technologies Law Clinic and Moot Court, Lyon 6
Summer School Law & Technology, London 6
Fintech 3
Innovation Law 3
Intellectual Property Law 3
International Company Law 3
International Competition Law 3
Sharing Economy & the Law 3

Special Courses

Digitalization and Taxation 3
Financial Contracts & Financial Regulation  3
Philanthropy & Innovation 3
Technology & Dispute Resolution  3

Not all regular and special courses are offered on an annual basis.

Please check the schedule to see which courses are offered this term.


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