International Business Regulation



For the conduct of international and transnational business, knowledge of and compliance with public regulation relating to market access and business conduct is crucial. The “Business Regulation” specialisation offers a broad range of courses by distinguished experts in topics such as global trade law, the law of the EU Internal Market, tax law and competition law.




Total of 60 credits (ECTS) is distributed as follow:
18 credits must be selected from courses relating to the specialisation, 24 credits can be freely chosen from all the courses, 18 credits for the Master Thesis on a topic relating to the specialisation.

The following courses are within the specialisation:regulation color.jpg

Regular Courses


Foundations Law and Technology (Digiweek) 6

International and European Trade Law and Market Regulation

(includes International Economic Law and Internal Market Law)

International Corporate and Individual Taxation - International and European Perspective 6
International Company Law 3
International Competition Law 3
Intellectual Property Law 3
Investment Arbitration 3

Special Courses

Business & Climate Change 3
Business & Human Rights 3
Energy Arbitration  3
Financial Contracts and Financial Regulation  3
Human Rights & Climate Change 3
International Banking Regulations 3
The International Business Lawyer in Practice 3
Investment Law 3
The Law of Climate Change 3
Philanthropy & Innovation 3
Trade, Investment & Climate Change 3

Not all regular and special courses are offered on an annual basis.

Please check the schedule to see which courses are offered this term.

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