Cake T-Days

Mémoire discussion group for MA students


Cake-T fall 24.png

As an informal mémoire support group, Cake T-Days take place three to four times a semester, at tea-time. Along with tea and cake, doctoral students (who have fairly recently gone through the process of writing an MA thesis) will provide MA students with practical and personal support that lie beyond the scope of the ‘Research Methodologies’ class. Without having set topics, discussions can tackle any part of the mémoire process (or even other aspects of the MA and beyond): whether students have specific questions to ask, haven’t started writing but want to start thinking about their mémoire, or feel lonely in the library and want to see what others in their situation are going through and working on, they are welcome to share a productive chat with other MA students and doctoral students.


In the Spring 2024 term, Cake-T Days will take place at 4.15pm on the following dates: 


Thursday, October 10th in the common room (Anthropole 5100)

Wednesday, November 13th in the common room (Anthropole 5100)

Tuesday, December 10th in the common room (Anthropole 5100)


Meanwhile, join our Facebook group to know all about Cake T-Days and be reminded of the next events!

We look forward to our tea-time together!

For any questions, contact: Kirill Melnikov


Follow us:  
Offices #5065-70 - Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 13